What Is Crew? • Que es CREW ?

Crew is a dedicated time in the day to focus on character skills (Habits of a Scholar. ), social-emotional learning and academic goal-setting. Crew provides each student a relationship with an adult crew leader cdat the school, as well as a consistent and ongoing small-scale peer community. The crew model ensures that all students have an adult monitoring their academic and social well-being. It sets the stage for the development of deeper teacher-to-student and student-to-student relationships which increase feelings of belonging and supports all students’ success.

Crew es un tiempo dedicado entre el día enfocado en las habilidades de un erudito, enseñanza socio-emocional y planificación de metas académicas. Crew provee a cada estudiante con una relación con un adulto lider aqui en la escuel, también con una comunidad mas chika y constante. El modelo de crew asegura que todos los estudiantes tienen un mentor adulto para su bien estar social y académico. Pone en plataforma el desarrollo de relaciones con los maestros cuál engrandecen el sentirse apoyados en sus logros y como parte de la escuela.

Student Led Conferences

Student-led conference gives your child the opportunity to lead a conversation about pieces of work from the different disciplines, analyze his or her strengths or learning challenges and reflect on possible goals for future learning.

The conference also:

  • Encourages students, parents and teachers to openly communicate as equal partners about student achievement
  • Enhances students‘ oral communication skills
  • Builds students’ self-confidence and ability to reflect

As a parent, you will be given the opportunity to listen to these reflections, acknowledge his or her effort and growth, and ask questions to your child.